Welcome to Short Url Generator!

Convert your lengthy URLs into short and simple links in just a single click. Get started now!




Easily view the click count and visit sources of your short URLs to better understand your target audience.


Device Targeting

Smartly redirect to the most suitable page based on the visitor's mobile system for a better user experience.

Custom Links

Create fun short URLs for your long web addresses as you wish, making sharing easier and more enjoyable!


url3. cc is a free URL shortening service that allows you to shorten your long URLs into short and simple links in a few seconds.
Enter a long URL in the input box and click the Generate button to generate a short URL
The validity period of links created by non logged in users is 30 days. If someone visits the link within 30 days, the validity period of the link will be extended to 30 days
You can send me an email at service@url3.cc